The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


MOVIE: Toy Story 3

It's been a loooooong time since I watched a Toy Story movie, and I am not entirely sure I saw the second movie at all.  So it was with a great surprise that watching this movie, I was highly  moved and very happy to have spent the cash on a 3d flick.

It had a lot of tie-ins for me for real life.  Moving one, loved ones taking new avenues and leaving others behind... it was almost overwhelming at times.  But then again, I'm a high emotional person (much to the shock of some since I only show my emotions in very closed quarters).   I was sooo happy to have seen this movie, I may go see it again.  I'm glad I did not cry in public at some parts.  It was close.  No joke.

I'm just getting soft at 42, right?  (sigh)

1 comment:

  1. I saw this one too, but had my kids with me and was thrown off at times by some of the creepy and aggressive parts. I can't seem to shut off that 'mom mode' and wonder what is going through their heads during certain parts.
