The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


Weak Women

...are as frustrating as the Men who cannot stand up to them when they are out of line.

Let the rock hurling begin.

With the events of my life and the four women who have had impact on my life, I'm surely the biggest wimp, the most unfeeling person, and the most undesired man on the face of the earth. I'm pretty certain I should have chosen to be gay (news flash, it's a choice people), or more appropriately, just not to get involved. Thanks to this, I am divorced, separated and not able to see my dying father. Frankly, I'm beginning to contemplate wiping the slate completely clean and moving on with life with a fresh start. Were it so easy as wiping memory clean on one of my computers. (sigh)

1 comment:

  1. Already, 50% of the women vaguely referenced in this posting have proven even further why I really need a fresh start, and a deep introspection as to what it is I need, and want, in my life.
