The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


New Watchmen Movie Video

Recently the SCREAM awards featured some new footage of the upcoming Watchmen movie. The original trailer was already a wet dream for fans of the movie the world over. Now, this new footage may very well make some of those same fans just pop with joy. I have to admit, I'm getting happier and happier the more I see of this production.

Though Alan Moore has stated publicly that he's not interested in seeing or being any part of the movie, I'd like to think he'd at least give it a view and state his opinion. Though he may be a perfectionistic self-righteous owner of the entire Watchmen concept (and rightfully so), some fans would appreciate having his take on the whole thing. I doubt it will affect the box office either way.   :-)

I also hope that the lawsuit brought on by Twentieth Century Fox doesn't cause the unthinkable - the complete shelving of the movie (then again, I'm sure it would end up on the Internet that much faster, so...)

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