The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


Braces. Again.

So as the family winds down on the whole braces ordeal (the orthodontic kind), I get to go back in time. Yes, I now have braces again. Top row, six front teeth (or is that teef?). My front-right tooth simply won't cooperate so they believe a month (HAH) of having these one will solve it, if I get the retainer the same day they come off and wear it religiously. They had previously mentioned a simple operation where they cut the muscle and let it grow back with the tooth lined up, and frankly, I wish they'd done that, but I'm sure that'd cost me money that I can't afford right now. So, I've got these nice shiny braces with black rubber bands to go through the holiday season with. Yay.

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