The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


MOVIE: I Am Legend

I week ago I saw the Will Smith movie "I Am Legend" (I forgot to post something so I thought I was due)...

I figured this movie was going to be a blatant attempt to milk some easy money out of Smith's stardom. I was right. However, it was still an "above average" flick that I wouldn't mind seeing again.

The commercials I had seen made it seem like it would literally be Will Smith from beginning to end, with cameos by CGI monster-zombies-humans. They actually used cut-scenes to tell the back story 'as needed' about why he was the only one left 'in the world'. Annoyingly, the movie trailers included at least one scene that did NOT appear in the movie (DVD fodder? probably). That is so frustrating. :-P

In any case, the movie works and comes off well (SPOILER ALERT) when Will saves the day at the expense of his own life (/SPOILER ALERT). There is one death in the movie that will make many people cry. I didn't like it (in the sense that it involved hurting an animal) but the emotional impact was obvious and I have to admit, very well placed. Poor doggy. ;-(

Good flick. Go see it. You have to give credit for a disaster movie that starts with everyday life and one minute later let's you know "it's now several years later and everyone's dead except Will". Nice and to the point. (hah)


  1. Yeah hi, I'd be one of those many people that cried upon that death. IMO, the movie was *too* nice and to the point... it dragged for a bit to me, Cast Away style, then seemed to sum itself up too quickly and neatly. While I'd by no means call it a bad movie, it certainly wasn't the great movie I'd been led to believe. I think I was tained by someone that told me it was on par with Independence Day... which, no matter how much of a doofus it might make me, is one of my favorite movies ever.

  2. Or tainted... either way, bad grammar optional. :p

  3. The opening scenes with Will Smith cruising through NYC in an 07 Cobra whilst trying to blast baddies with his $3k M4 made the movie for me. Those are two things near the top of my "if I won the lottery" list.
