The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


Dani Gets T-Boned On Christmas Day

So as we're sitting around wondering when Dani and her boyfriend are going to arrive (it was about time for it to happen), I get a phone call from Halifax Medical Center. Daniella Malena is there and I need to come down to be briefed on her condition. Not exactly what you are wanting to hear on Christmas Day.

Upon arrival and being told she's not there, I then gain access and see her. She's (forcibly) unconscious and has been "tubed" to assist with breathing "just in case" (she was breathing on her own just fine, thankfully). She had been air-lifted to the hospital from the site of the accident.

It's certainly disturbing to see your eighteen year old daughter asleep, tubes in both arms and her throat, a catheter, and her eyes half open...

We talked to her, held her hand, but really could do nothing but ask questions of the nurses. I was given basic details on her boyfriend (the crash took place on Dani's side of the car, and what little I was told made it clear he was not in as bad a condition as Dani was. Thankfully she appeared to only have a concussion (no broken bones, no hurt organs based on scans done).

Today, we have visited twice and will be going back soon as they prepare to move her to a less secure area (the tubes are almost all gone now). Her boyfriend had dropped off a couple nice stuffed animal-items. We brought some goodies but are keeping them until she is in the less secure room. She has had so much sleep-medicine pumped into her that she's barely able to keep her eyes open. Helplessness is still the norm for the rest of us as we try and comfort her.

All seems to be well "otherwise". She's recovering in a timely manner and should be out in a day or two. Being that she was in the process of recovering from her hurt ankle after being mugged, I feel like she's getting the hardcore lesson in real-life lately.

I was happy to have Vesta with me Christmas Day (she happens to be a registered nurse) so I was able to get a voice-of-reason follow-up to facts that were fed to me.

There shouldn't be any more "bad news" if all continues on course, just recovery and full healing. Her nana and mother both have called her job to let them know she's out for a few days.

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