The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


TV: Lost (finale)

I have the "honor" of not having watched Lost much at all until the final season. I caught up on the various bizarre stories and such, and watched as the show wound down to it's end...

The finale was pretty cool, in my opinion. It was a given that those who "worshipped" the show would never be fully happy with it ending (as far as wrapping up "every plot") and the producers kept their promise that it did NOT answer "all questions" (and even brought more up actually). It was a very *touching* finale to say the least (I fully admit being teary-eyed at various points, including the absolute ending). It was a very emotional wrap-up. posted a video of "unanswered questions" which is absolutely hilarious. Click here for the video. It really is hilarious (if you know Lost at all)!

The dog's final appearance at the end was simply priceless and put the emotional investment over the top, to me. :-) You have to take the finale to this show as you did Battlestar Galactica (the second version, not the 1980's version). You are left with questions, but ultimately, got to have a "cool sendoff" for the characters you invested years of your life getting to know.

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