The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


MOVIE: Transformers - Dark Of The Moon

I, of course, enjoyed this movie.  I found myself laughing out loud quite a bit.  I am not sure how much someone who has NOT seen the previous movies would enjoy it simply due to the large amount of backstory on characters that may be needed to understand certain things (since I already know the backstory, it's hard for me to say).

I do have one semi-criticism:   Did we REALLY need to ripoff Star Trek's most infamous quote for Spock just because Leonard Nimoy was voicing the character?  REALLY?   Geez.   Someone call Paramount so they can get that paycheck... because, y'know, the needs of the movie studio outweigh the needs of the self-centered producer of a hit movie...  ;-)

Great flick overall.  I really enjoyed it.


  1. I saw this last night and agree - the movie was basically over for me when they ripped off Spock's quote. I was half expecting one of the little transformers to add "or the one", at which point it would've been time to walk out. I can understand paying homage to great movies, but not in the third installment of a blockbuster, you've lost your street cred by then. If you want to do it, you have to do it in the first movie otherwise it looks like you just threw it in to get something out of the trek fans. I was not aware that Leonard Nimoy voiced anything in this movie.

    Overall, I felt it was too long, more of the same, and not really all that interesting. At about the hour mark, I was ready for it to be over.

    I'm ready for another Trek movie. I can't imagine what's taking them so long - it's not like Trek movies have huge post production needs, and they rebooted the whole friggin universe so they can basically do whatever they want at this point.

  2. You did not recognize Leonard Nimoy as Sentinel Prime? Whoa. Yes, he played Optimus' predecessor/turncoat Autobot. is a good place to watch for Trek info. Brent Spiner wants to start a movement called BBS (hah) (Bring Back Soong); he wants to play the predecessor that was featured in Enterprise (someone prior to Dr. Soong himself). Not a bad idea and it would work well in the revamped universe.
