The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.



I think this is going to sound confusing, so bear with me:

Sometimes the stupidity of others, who are attempting to accuse you of stupidity in error, helps you to realize certain stupidities in your life that you need to rectify. So basically stupidity wrongly labeling stupidity yields discovering real stupidity, allowing you to fix said stupidity despite the fact it was original stupidity which was misdirected to begin with.

Clear? Great!


  1. I think you just like saying the word stupidity over and over as an excuse to clean you monitor frequently.. (read out loud your statement) LOL. :)

  2. Hah! :-) I said it would sound confusing. I even came up with a visualization of it in my head, I was considering "drawing" so there was a diagram of what I meant, but oh well. It's moot; just something I've learned and will try to benefit from through introspection and self-reflection.
