The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


Pet Peeves, updated

A loooooong time ago, I started a "Pet Peeves" document, because I wanted to document those things that really bug me. I just added a new one today.

#10   People who make you repeat things, and then cut you off before you've barely even begun to repeat it. Example:

  • A: "Do you think the survey will require us to use the new Active-X control?"

  • B: "What?"

  • A: "Do you think *" (interrupted)

  • B: "Yeah, I think maybe we'll have to when the time comes"

In other words, if they'd taken a half-second to think about what was said, instead of wasting the other person's time starting to repeat what they said, it would be less frustrating. For this reason, I always wait at least 1-2 seconds before replying to "What" to people like this. I also force myself to think about what people say to me (imagine that!) so that I'm not guilty of the same thing.


  1. Technically, no time is wasted in the scenario you've laid out. Only words.

  2. Wasting time is one thing. Being a predictable, annoying, dipstick is another. The people I'm thinking of (the current king being a co-worker I can't seem to get moved away from) are just.. plain.. annoying.
