The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


MOVIE: Snakes On A Plane

Okay, I'm not sure if this will make me sound less-intelligent or not, but I actually enjoyed this movie. I didn't expect to. I expected to critique it to death, but instead, I treated it like a Jim Carey movie, and simply turned off logic and enjoyed it.

It had this habit of showing worst-case-ever scenarios in regards to snake bites, such as biting in the EYE, biting in the MOUTH, biting on the, er, breast, and biting (engulfing?) the, er... well, I felt sorry for the guy, let's say.

It was more funny than anything. Worthy of a cheap matinee-showing (we went during full price hours; we were bored). Samuel Jackson was verrrrry funny. I now see why so many TV shows and internet sites do parodies of one of Jackson's last quotes about "getting these blankety-blank snakes of the blankety-blank plane". ;-)

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