The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


Black Friday 2007

Success (of course).

Got the three items I went for (being fourth in line didn't hurt).

Seeing over 100 people hovering around the entrance, thinking they could show up when Target opened and just "merge into" the line, and being rejected by local law enforcement = priceless.

MOVIE: Enchanted

What a totally awesome movie this was! I expected it to be funny, entertaining, a good flick for me and my daughter to see.. but I wasn't expecting such a great movie! I really enjoyed it! Lots of takeoffs from various Disney "princess" movies. I sort of wish I brought the boys along now (maybe a second trip to the theater).


MOVIE: Beowulf

This movie was "good". I have never read or seen anything about "Beowulf" before seeing this movie, so I was virgin to the whole thing. The story itself was fascinating. The animation was "okay" (for so much promotion and such, I would have expected more realistic looking faces). Good ending. Good in general. Didn't knock my socks off, but I enjoyed it.


Wedding - Fred and Amanda Weston

Today's the big day. I get to be one of Fred's groomsmen as he weds 'Manda at Grace Episcopal Church here in Port Orange.

The wedding rehearsal yesterday was basically "YAWN" (as can be expected from the male perspective). Manda's got everything lined up nicely, and Fred's putting up a good show of non-nervousness (I recall that myself). I met several family members on both sides of the fence. Fred's birth mother was present for the rehearsal dinner afterward (I had met her at a brief lunch with Fred years earlier). Manda's family was there in force of course.

I am designated to be walking with Fred's older sister (seems nice, but I don't really know her at all). I'm "last" (or "far right") as we're lined up in height order - yay, tall people. :-P

The bachelor's party a week ago was... a night to remember, I guess you could say. A night filled with activities that I would normally never be involved with (uptight me = true). Apparently Manda's night had something to do with a train and fear of electricity...

So in about 3 hours, the ceremony will begin, then we're off to a pavilion to eat, drink and be merry.

Congratulations, Fred and Amanda!
November 17, 2007