Over the next few weeks, I am going to ween those few people I know that "matter to me" off of my Yahoo IM account, because 98% of the contacts I receive through it are "eligible women" looking for "love". Riiiight. I previously reported this, but it's just ridiculous. Are there REALLY that many women desperate to get out of Niceragua, or who are here on (what I guess to be) student visas and who want (I assume) a way to stay in the country?
These women are not wanting me (as every one of them claims). There's no way. It doesn't matter if I pretend to be a mean, horrible, hateful person, or a gay-animal-molester, or if I ask them rude questions, or if I simply go places verbally I would normally NEVER go.... they just continue to act as if I am an Adonis sent from the heavens to answer their prayers and that they wish to live with me forever. What a crock. I always look to see if their account is less than a month old, and they never are. Usually they are 6 months to 3 years old, so they're not "casual phishers" or anything...
Every.. and I mean EVERY... single one of the "women" I'm talking about type like this (these are actual quotes from my gaim history log):
From "J": am happy u haven't 4gotten me cos u
are always on my mind
From "SF": am infatuated in u
From "WS": sweetie ...i want to come for holliday there
From "WS": what do u intend doing this week end
Most of the women have tried to "pursue me" for months (I have history logs going back to late 2004 for some of them - god, I love gaim). It's sad (and sometimes I feel BAD for them, because they MUST be desperate to cling to someone they know NOTHING about and who they are acting like they are ENGAGED to). :-(
Done. I am Yahoo-IM-free now. Good riddance.