The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


MOVIE: Predators

Another movie I saw at the  local cheap-o theater.  Another movie that Chris told me was not that good ("it had no story" and "the cop-character from Predator 2 was in it").  Well, I had to disagree with him on both counts.

I did not like the attempt at a twist they introduced where (supposedly) there are (at least) two clans of Predators and the bigger ones were being mean to the smaller ones (or the fact that a human who had no clue would even come up with that idea).  The character Chris thought was the cop from P2 was NOT that character.

The movie served it's purpose, however.  It was a decent story with new twists about Predators abducting people and tossing them (literally) onto a "game perserve planet" to hunt them (instead of hunting them on their own planet).  It had "enough story" to keep me entertained.  The ending was as many movies do these days... a setup for more movies.  I thought it worth even regular movie prices to see, personally.  I'd definitely recommend it to people who enjoy the Predator (or Alien) movies (there was a vague indirect reference to Alien with a victim who had a chest hole representative of the Alien franchise).

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