The ongoing prattlings of a lifelong geek and his random luck with love, work, children and rediscovering himself.


No More Soda Vending In Your Local Schools

Well, at least for about 87% of the schools.

Pepsi and Coke apparently are voluntarily PULLING OUT of public and private schools. So now, kids will have to choose a drink that's NOT purely tooth rotting. Imagine that.

How sad it is that the soda vendors themselves did this, and not our government or our school systems ("because they needed the revenues") (sic).

Story here.


  1. Hmmm I wonder if that applies to us? (atc). Id read the whole artical, But I just got back from a all night lan party... and dont feel like really doing anything. Interesting though.


  2. Apparently it's a three year plan, so all you current high schoolers will still get your teeth rotted out. Heaven forbid they simply MAKE the decision, and DO it. They've got to have time to plan on all the drinks they're going to REPLACE the sodas with to continue to make profits...
